Market for Syngas

Our syn-gas that is produced from the gasification of coal or other feedstock is primarily consists of CO and H2 with low levels of CO2 and other impurities. The CO2 and other impurities in the syn-gas are then cleaned up downstream of the gasifiers. In general, the higher the CO ratio, higher the BTU content which is an important feature for burning syn-gas in gas-turbines or in boilers. Using a water shift reactor, we can increase the ratio of H2 to CO an important feature for some chemical processes and in particular a key catalyst for processing the syn-gas into liquid fuels.

By gasifying coal using the Klean gasifier technology we can cost effectively convert coal into liquids using our standard CTL designs, the cost of production using synthetic natural gas as a feedstock is very competitive. Our systems are capable of syn-gas conversion into Synthetic Natural Gas, Ammonia, Urea, Ammonium Sulfate, Hydrogen, Dimethyl Ether, Methanol and Ethanol.