Training & Staff

Klean Coal offers gasification training services, providing on-site operator training and customized, plant-specific courses to ensure efficient and safe operation of gasification plants.

For our clients that have a plant under construction, we provide operator training. We are setup to teach on site operations and engineering level courses that range from General Operations and practices to detailed specific courses that include integrated plant operations.

We take the students in our class into the field and put their hands on the equipment. We provide both hands on training as well as follow an approved course outline.

We understand that your employees are your most valuable assets. Furthermore if they are trained correctly by experienced operations instructors, your facility can reach maturity much faster and with a better safety record.

Students completing our courses will have a general knowledge base good enough to operate the systems and facilities within the course outline.

Let us build a custom plant specific course for you.

Staffing – Non Manual and Manual Labor

We offer experienced consultants, technologist, managers and engineers to support project development and execution.

Further we offer highly talented mechanical, electrical and instrumentation tradesmen including supervision and DCS / automation and checkout support.

Klean will work closely with you to custom fit the right mixes of talents into your project to maximize your bottom-line.

Using highly skilled and experienced people with a safety culture built into their minds can lower your projects overall cost and improve safety.